Earlier this month Apple released the environmental report for the new Mac Pro and it shows some impressive efficiency gains. At idle the new machine uses 68% less power than the previous model, using just 43w at 100v compared to 133.7w.
The real savings also appear when looking at the materials that are used. The new version uses 74% less aluminium and consumes 82% less volume and weighs 84% less than its predecessor meaning that 3 times more units can be fitted onto an airline shipping container.
As with all of Apple’s current Macs the new Mac Pro earns a gold rating from EPEAT for its environmental performance. So if you do lease a new Mac Pro not only will you get amazing performance but you will be able to tell your colleagues just how sustainable you are to.
For any enquiries on the new Mac Pro please call 0121 285 0098 or email info@localhost.