Your impressions of the new Mac Pro
Since its launch at WWDC last year the Mac Pro has taken a time to actually hit the studios of West Midland’s businesses. However, as we know see order times dramatically reducing we are delivering these amazing new machines at an incredible rate.
When we deliver the Mac Pro we are always pleased to see our customer’s reaction. Many of them have been stalwarts of the old cheese grater Mac Pro and often send an army of personnel down to reception to collect their new machines. When they are presented with a lightweight, small black cylinder their looks are a mixture of bewilderment and amazement.
At first glance it can be misleading to think that something so powerful is packaged so small. With the new Intel Xeon X5 processors boasting either 4,6,8 or 12 cores, 40GBs of PCI Express Gen 3 bandwidth and 2566 bit wide floating point instructions the new Mac Pro is up to two times faster than its bulky processor.
It also has PCIe based flash storage that launches apps and opening huge files with ease. It also supports up to 64GB of memory and therefore it is of no surprise that our customers all state just how fast the new machine is.
However, it’s not just the speed that is impressing people. Over ¾ of our customers also commented on how remarkably quiet the machine was. This can be attributed to the fan system that Apple has used in the cylinder. A single large fan now pulls up through a bottom intake, allowing the air to pass vertically through the device centre. Heat is absorbed and carried out of the top of the cylinder.
The Mac Pro also comes with the ability to connect to the next generation of high performance peripherals. You can add a PCI expansion chasses, connect 4K displays and Thunderbolt 2 allows you to daisy chain up to six peripherals so you can plug in up to 36 external devices.
Our customers have loved the Mac Pro. They also have loved the fact that we have been delivering their new machines up to 4 weeks quicker than Apple are quoting on their website.
If you believe the time is right for you business to have a new Mac Pro click here for more details or call 0121 285 0098.