It looks like the next major push for both Microsoft and Apple will be motion sensing hardware. Most people were introduced to this type of hardware […]
Which MacBook should I lease? With three different models of MacBook, with 10 different standard variants available, it can often be hard to decide which MacBook […]
CryptoLocker Virus is a significant risk to the UK’s small businesses according to the National Crime Agency. Last week alone 12000 businesses were infected by this […]
William C Lowe, the man who oversaw IBM’s first personal computer, died last week aged 72. A true driving force behind IBM’s Personal Computer, which was […]
Last week Microsoft made Windows 8.1 available for download in the UK. Windows 8.1 has progressively shown that the early mistakes on Windows 8 have been ironed out. […]
Evidence is growing that an iPad version of Microsoft Office will be available, but Microsoft is determined to save that touch-friendly experience for its own Windows devices. […]